Performance, ceramics, textile, pomegranate leaves and branches, 4 minutes, 2024

Video excerpt I

The pomegranate leaves and branches used in this performance were harvested from a sapling my father brought to me in France in 2019. This sapling originated in Saveh, a region in Iran renowned for the exceptional quality of its mystical fruit. It lived in a pot for about a year, allowing its roots to grow, before being planted in the front yard of my studio, where the blue windows in the photos above open out to.

The garment worn in this performance belonged to my mother. It was crafted by her talented cousin, Zari, in the late 1990s in Iran. As a child, I was captivated by the braiding (قیطون دوزی) tracing the fabric’s edges and neckline—an enchanting, curious detail that always drew me in.

The ceramic vault, tables and vessel are made between 2019 and 2023.



Unknown Landscapes Series


A New Dawn